
About Me

So, if you've read any of my blog posts already you'll know that my name is Katie. I am currently a senior studying marketing and religious studies at the College of William & Mary in Virginia. I am a member of Spotlight Show Choir (we sing, dance, and are generally awesome) and an editor for the Colonial Echo Yearbook.

This blog began because I spent the spring semester of my junior year studying abroad at the University of Exeter in England. At Exeter I was involved in an A Capella group, because I couldn't last five months without music, as well as the University Catholic Chaplaincy.

I have a younger sister who just started high school, and an older brother in a PhD program for Computer Science at Tufts University near Boston. I'm fairly sure he's focusing on Bioinformatics now, but I could be wrong. My dad and step-mom live in NoVa (Northern Virginia for those of you who are unaware) and it's definitely nice to be near DC when I visit. My mom lives up in Connecticut, which is where I went to elementary and high school, and is still mostly the place I think of as home.

To sum me up in a sentence: you'd be hard pressed to find anything that I love more than books, fashion, singing, and sleep (although travel is certainly making its way up there).

 On the internet I can be found spending an excessive amount of time on Pinterest (, posting all the outfits I wish were in my closet, books I enjoy, words and images that inspire me, and of course the many places I want to travel.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie,

    So I have spent quite a bit of time in England, and actually taken many a day trip to Exeter for shopping and lunch dates. When I came across your blog it sparked my interest right away, I love reading the daily observations and experiences of students studying abroad. The development of the human mind is perfectly reflected when someone chooses to write while experiencing something so new!

    If you'd be interested in sharing travel tips, study abroad advice, or fun information about Exeter or British culture, I'd love to make you a feature author on

    If you feel so inclinced feel free to email me at

    I look forward to it! And your next blog :)

